This month flew by and with it more changes for you. You got your first tooth! a little bottom tooth, and then shortly after your second tooth came in right next to it. It is a good thing you are getting teeth because you love eating! You will gobble down anything we put in front of you, you especially love strawberries, carrots, and pears. Also with these new teeth came better sleep, thank goodness. You are back to waking one or two times a night and taking two or three naps a day. Cutting teeth is no joke, you are one tough dude!
You are one determined fella. You zone in on what you want and will not give up till you get it. You started to army crawl and can get across a room pretty quickly. This has not made your sister very happy. Now you can get to all her toys and she is still working on the whole sharing thing. You two have decided that you want what ever the other one has, and you have given out some epic huge cries when something is taken away from you.
You have really found your voice these days, making all sorts of new noises. Your favorite thing to say is "ah-ta." You will look at a toy very intensely and say "ah-ta" to it over and over again. I wonder what you are really saying? I think you will be a talker like your sister. You are always making noises and staring at our mouths when we are talking.
Loving you is so fun, you burrow into my neck, and squeeze your arms around me. You have even started giving big, gooey, open mouth kisses! It is so sweet, you love to cuddle and be close. You still like to be held or interacted with most of the day, but you are slowing playing on your own more and more.
We added a new family member to our household this month, a sweet and crazy puppy. She serendipitously came into our lives. However, she ended up with an unfortunate name, Dumpy. We tired to change it but your sister and Papa just kept calling her Dumpy. Your Papa is still not very excited about having a dog, but you already seem like best buds! The puppy and cats have been very entertaining to you. You love watching them run around and whenever they settle and start to sleep you scoot your way over to them and give them pets and cuddles.
We went on a few adventures this month, including the 7+ hour dive to Salt Lake City, UT to visit your Tanna and Gruncle. You HATED the driving part, but once we got to their house you loved all the cuddles and attention you got from them. It is so amazing to watch all of our family love and care for you so much! You are one lucky boy.

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