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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dear Eisley...Seven Months

Dear Eisley,

Woah...that month went by super fast. Again, in 30 days you have become a completely different kid, all these new skills, sounds, likes and dislikes. It is kinda fun learning who you are and who you are becoming every month.

The biggest change this month is that you moved into your own room at night time. I think we were all keeping each other awake all night. The first night you only got up once! and now you sleep like champ in there. Mama and Papa didn't get as much sleep at first because we were watching you on the video monitor all night. You still look so little in your big crib, and I know in no time at all you will fill it all up.

You really started to babble and talk to us. You are pretty proficient at saying "babababa" and your working on your "dadadada." You still have your wookie call, and your screeching  You make all sorts of noises, I think we will have quite the talker on our hands. You also are laughing so much theses days, everything is funny to you. There is not much better than big baby belly laughs! We can get some good laughs when we tickle you, you have two very ticklish spots, your hip bones and your collar bone, It won't be long till you are tickling us back. You also started humming to yourself, you mainly do this when you are really concentrated on playing. It is such a sweet sound.

Dad is convinced that you are going to be a drummer. This makes your Aunt Anna excited, she said she would give you her drum-kit someday.  You love banging on things, and you love taking your toys and banging them on things too. Sometimes you randomly bang to the beat of music and we declare your a musical genius, then we realize that it was a fluke...but who knows!

Long gone are the days when I could leave you in a spot and you would stay there. You are a moving little lady. You haven't master crawling yet, but is just a matter of time. You are really great at scooting along, doing 360's on your belly, and rocking from sitting into a belly flop. You will even stay standing if we put you in that position and let you hold onto something, you are super strong!

We are still breastfeeding  and now that you have almost mastered your pincer grip, you use it on my breasts all the time. It really hurts! I order a teething/feeding necklace for you to play with in hopes that you would pinch that and not me, but so far it has been no help. I will be honest, I don't have much patience for being pinched, I hope this is something that you get over quick!

Overall you are still a super happy baby...you have your moments, but the big smiles and laughs far out-way the cries. I love your inquisitive little personality and I can't wait to see what will be new for you next month. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Dear Eisley...Six Months

Dear Eisley,

WOW! you're a half of a year old, how did that happen! You have changed so much this past month. You seem much less delicate and more like a sturdy little kid. I can already tell that you are a determined one, you don't give up easily. You are so intense when you play with your toys. You love toys that make music, you have this little piano and you slam away at it. Speaking of music, sister, you LOVE it, you light up when you hear music. Sometimes it seems  like you are singing along--well it is more like screeching along. To bad Emo-Scremo music is so last decade, I think you would have had a calling for it.

The new thing in your life this month is eating some solid foods. Sadly your first real taste of food was a lime...Dad thought it would be funny to watch you make a sour face, and, Oh BOY! it was funny. you would take a lick, close your eyes, make a sour face then grab for another taste. We decided to let you try some real food so your first "real" meal was avocado. You are a pretty good eater! We give you a mix of table food and pureed food, it is amazing to me at how skilled you are at eating, even though you have never done it before. Also...how are you old enough to be eating what I eat, Slow DOWN kid!

You seem to get excited about pretty much everything these days, you like the cats, my nose, dads laugh, your toes, when dad whispers "secrets" into your ears, and especially dogs. We can tell your excited by your high pitch squeal, or your big belly laughs. You love to flail your arms up and down like your trying to fly away. You also have this super cute leg that we call the waggler, that is constantly moving, or waggling about.  You also are always moving your little feet in circular motions, its really cute!

You carry all this movement into the night, and it seems as though you are not sleeping as well as you used to . When you wake up and can't fall back asleep you lift up both your legs and power-kick them down at the same time, I am not sure what your are trying to achieve with this, but it is a really loud thing to wake up to in the middle of the night. At times I feel like you're a newborn again, waking up every two hours. This makes for a very tired mama and papa, but we do our best to keep our cool in the middle of the night and give you the loves and milk that you seem to need. This bad sleep might be due to the fact that we are trying to wean you from being swaddled, you just like the feeling of being hugged tight through the night.

Sometimes I blame your lack of sleep on the fact that you might be teething. It seems like all the signs and symptoms are there but we have not seen any teeth pop up yet. You sure do chew on everything you can get your hands on. But your favorite things to chew on is Sophie the giraffe or our fingers.

Well little lady, I love this happy, fun baby that you are most days. I am so thankful for you and all the joy you bring me! I had a great time celebrating my 30th birthday with you, it was the best one yet!