First Picture |
Pregnancy…it’s a crazy wild ride. As a first time mom I had
no idea all the changes my body would go through. I am not sure why our society
is so quiet on pregnancy-- there are so many things I never knew about! My first
trimester was pretty easy compared to some. For the most part I just slept the
whole 3 months. I definitely slacked on my share of the house work, good thing
neither of us cares too much about that! 90% of the time I was a hot mess, I
was bloated, had oily skin, never-ending headaches, my body was sore, and I
was crying at commercials and lost animal posters.
The second trimester was awesome, I felt amazing and all
these great things were happening with my baby. I started to feel her move, and
Brian could feel her move too, I think that connected him to her more and it
was amazing to just sit in silence with both of our hands on my belly waiting for
her to do something. More people could notice that my belly was due to a baby
and not a large burrito or overindulgence in a tub of ice cream.
The most exciting part of this trimester was finding out if our baby was
a girl or boy. We found out in a special way and though the old wives tales said it would be a boy we found out that we would be having a little GIRL! this made things much more real, to call her a her and connect with her in a deeper way.
'Merica |
This third trimester has been an up and down experience. For
the most part I felt great. It was an exciting time to really prepare for her
arrival, getting her room all together, going to some amazing baby showers for
her, taking a child birthing class, and just the overall feeling that I was
going to meet my little girl soon! Now that I am less than a week from my due
date I am feeling ready to
git ‘er done!
My body feels like it has taken a beating, no position is comfortable, and
there is no room for either of us. But I wouldn’t trade these feelings for
anything in the world, I am so blessed to be able to carry a child in my body,
it’s an amazing experience and a miracle in itself! Lastly this trimester has left me unable to use my brain (which is not good when your in Grad school). I always thought this was fake, so I repent of my thoughts to the many pregnant women who said they had pregnancy brain and I thought they were making it up...I now understand, and take my punishment in full!
All the hand-me-downs we got!
These last few weeks we have been working on our baby bucket
list, doing things that are a little easier with an inside baby before she
comes out. We waited in line for the popular breakfast places in Portland, went
for long drives, berry picking, spending lazy days watching cheesy Netflix
shows, eating out at nice restaurants, going to concerts, staying up late with
friends, and just enjoying our last few moments just the two of us.