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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Top 10 of 2013

Johnson's Top 10 List of 2013

1. Eisley gained a bunch of new skills this year including crawling, walking, feeding herself, talking, playing hard to get, and throwing epic tantrums.
2. Andrea graduated from her masters program...now she can read what she chooses to.
3. We are still watching way too many crappy netflix shows (Lost, Sherlock, Arrow).
4. After getting a photo on the cover of Trout magazine, Brian has been upping his photo and fishing skills. 
5. We had to say goodbye to our dear kitty Brimley.
6. Went on lots of trips: Reno, NV, SLC, UT, Placerville, CA, Yakima, WA, Seattle, OR camping, OR Coast.
7. Eisley can tell you what sounds the bear, kitty, dog, wolf, and bird make...still working on what the fox says. 
8. Andrea is finally contributing financially-- she got hired on as a therapist!
9. Brian helped his dad shoot an Elk on a 6 day hunt in the NV wilderness.
10. We are dreaming, scheming, and looking forward to all that will be in 2014!

Christmas 2012 vs. Christmas 2013

Happy Christmas!