This month was busy...and you changed so much! I had some major changes too. I graduated from Grad school! You came to my graduation, at first you were excited with all the people, but when they started to clap you hated it, it scared you so much. I could hear you crying as I walked across the stage. All I wanted was to go over to you and give you kisses. And it is fun to give you kisses because now you kiss back, we get these big open mouth wet gummy kisses! Its so cute to see your budding personality, how you show your love and care. You have also started to snuggle a little, you will rest your little head on my chest, just for a min, but oh how I love it.
Some other things I love are all the new noises you're making. You are babbling, saying hi, grunting, yelling, and copying what we say! You are very expressive with your sounds and tell us exactly what you want. You also started to make this funny inhale noise, like when someone laughs really hard and they take a big inhale breath...yeah you do that lots, especially when you find something funny.
A new thing this month is you HATE getting dressed or undressed. You used to love the changing table, but now it is your eternal mission to get off that table as fast as you can. I try to find new and interesting things to keep you occupied while we change you, but you have been working on your throwing is amazing how far you can chuck things sometimes.
You are a busy little girl. I always say you've got jobs to do. You will scoot over to something and pull yourself up to standing. You are always so pleased with yourself when you do this, you look at us like "holy cow are you seeing this!"
baby girl you are so fun! I love all your new noises, facial expressions, and personality quirks!