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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Little E's Nest

I love her little room...and by little I mean it...it's about 8x7, baby sized room for a baby!  I had a wonderful time decorating and finding pieces to put in her room that I loved, were meaningful, and helped to create a magical atmosphere. So put some slippers on, sip on something warm and yummy and enjoy the tour.

cute wall art.

"book" shelf!
 This owl was hand painted by her Aunt Anna, it opens up and has a little note for Eisley to store her treasures in there. The yarn balls and wood mushrooms are decorations from one of my baby showers.

Baby shower guest book.

My lovely friend Cassie made this tree guest book for my baby shower, the little heart in the tree says B+A=E. I love having this little reminder of all the people that love and celebrated Eisley before they even knew her.

Painting by Uncle Greg

 My Brother painted this super cute painting for Eisley's room. I was so surprised when he gave it to me. I guess in the process of making this, one of his ink pens exploded in my parents living room, and they had to re-paint to cover up all the ink...I say it was worth it.

little bunny fu-fu

This is wrapping paper that was used at Eisley's cousin Penelope's baby shower.

the poop station!

The changing table is a super cute vintage dresser that I found with my friend Sarah at our favorite antique shop.


 My long time friend Hannah made this amazing alphabet banner, each letter is a work of art in itself.

Drawing by Sherri from the band Eisley

Drawing by Sherri from the band Eisley

 The lead singer from the band Eisley (where our little Eisley got her name) is an amazing artist and sells  some of her drawings. She herself is pregnant with her first little girl and drew this amazing astronaut mom picture, I knew I needed it for little E's room. When I received the drawing in the mail she had sent an additional little drawing which she signed for Eisley from her. I may or may not have squealed  like a 13 year old fan girl while opening this...and then I cried...I blame the hormones.

Some touches here on this shelf is a little dear that Hannah found for us, and I used it in some of my maternity pictures. Also in the background is a little card from my amazing friend Emily it is a quote that says "Children are made readers on the laps of their parents." I love this and can't wait to read her tons of bedtime stories.

More from the poop station.

These are cute vintage baskets to store all her cloth diapers and wipes. I think the diapers are so cute so it is fun to see them on display.

ABC's...some more!

 My mom found this really cute animal alphabet print, I love that there is some not so common animals, like a vampire bat!

little German friends.

 The little prints I found at a thrift store long before I was pregnant and I kept them around in hopes of using them in a nursery some day. The little owl was a gift from Hannah again (ok she is a keeper, she gives great gifts!) for a just because time.

cozy little spot.


Love all the details

Lovely colors!

My sister-in-law Annie had a friend paint these amazing letters in Eisley's name...she choose super fun colors and I love all the woodland creature details, so perfect! I seriously hope Eisley's loves this forever!

Alice In Wonderland.

My dad got me this wonderful, vintage, multiple canvas prints from an Alice in Wonderland book about 4 years ago. Another piece of artwork that I have kept around (not only because it's amazing) but in hopes of using it for a baby's room someday.


Her armoire is full with all the lovely hand-me-down and new clothes from friends and family.

Bedtime stories for days!

At one of my baby showers, everyone brought books and wrote in them instead of cards...I can't wait to read all of these to her! Lets be real...I can't wait to read most of them for myself. 

Whew...we made it...that's the tour of her little nest. It is like my little happy place, its so cozy and I love sitting in her room. She is not sleeping in there yet, but I am sure she will love it as much as I do.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Eisley

Our birth story…where do I start? Well to begin with, I had this whole birth thing planned out in my head. I had done way too much research, watched documentaries, went to a very “Portland” birthing class, and knew exactly what I wanted and what I didn’t want. But when my due date came and went, we quickly saw that she was not going to come out on her own within a healthy time frame. So a few days shy of my 42nd week of pregnancy I was eating a burger at killer burger, fueling up right before going to the hospital. 

Haters be learners!

I would be lying if I said I wasn't sad about not getting my envisioned birth, you know, the movie type.  Our bags had been packed for weeks in hopes that I could tell Brian it was GO TIME! But I found myself walking into the Hospital with a planned induction, it all felt so clean, clinical, and scheduled. Even all that couldn't stop me from being so excited and ready to get the hard work over with and bring little Eisley into this world!

Let me spare you the down and dirty details and give you the fly by list:
  • Saturday 9/29--8pm Start induction plan 1
  • Sunday 9/30--9am Induction plan 1 provided no progress
  • Sunday 9/30--9:30 Try induction plan 2, failed
  • Sunday 9/30--10am Start induction plan 3
  • Sunday 9/30--2pm Induction plan 3 provided very little progress
  • Sunday 9/30--2:30pm Start Induction plan 4
  • Sunday 9/30--5pm My water breaks!
  • Sunday 9/30--6pm-4am Had contractions all night
  • Monday 10/1--5am Start induction plan 5
  • Monday 10/1--9am Start to really feel contractions
  • Monday 10/1--2pm Found out I was halfway there, felt defeated and tired
  • Monday 10/1--2:30pm Got a dose of Fentanyl to help manage the pain a little
  • Monday 10/1-- 4pm Fentanyl wore off 
  • Monday 10/1--7pm I was ready to push!
  • Monday 10/1--9pm Still freaking pushing
  • Monday 10/1--11pm Eisley was born 

So many things did not happen the way I planned. But in the end I was rewarded with a precious miracle. So much of those 3 days are a blur but there are a few things that stand out in my mind:
  • the touch of Brian’s hand on my back
  • the soft encouraging words of my midwife (who was there the whole day of her birth)
  • the reassuring nurses who went out of their way to comfort me
  • catching up on Americas next top model
  • the worried smile of my mom
  • my dad and I trying to play poker when my water broke
  • the horrible hospital food that was so bad it was funny
  • the texts and calls from friends and family anxiously awaiting news
  • Brian sitting by me and doing all he could do to comfort and love me
  • getting the motivation to push harder than before by feeling my daughter’s full head of hair
  • wanting to hear her cry more than anything
  • Brian picking the perfect music to fit with the different stages of the day
  • feeling tears of joy run down my cheek and seeing tears in Brian’s eyes when we saw her for the first time
  • seeing my mom burst into tears when we announced that her middle name was after her
  • Knowing in a specific moment that my life was forever changed by this amazing little girl.
  • Seeing Brian become a dad when he held her for the first time

Welcome little one
Daddy Loves.

Yes it was long. Yes it wasn’t my “birth plan”. Yes it was worth it. God created this perfect child inside me and trusted Brian and I to love and care for her. He built my body to carry and deliver her safely and gave me the strength and stamina to do the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Little Eisley…we had a big party that day, Heck, we partied for 3 days waiting for you to choose your birthday! So happy to start October out with a celebration of you and all your snuggly wonderfulness. 

Going Home

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

And the winner is....

I wish some of your guesses would have been true for me, I would have liked to have her earlier than we did, however, having an october baby is pretty awesome, we get to celebertate her birth and fall time, what more could you ask for...well maybe a nice pumpkin spice latte!

So in honor of my fall baby the winners will get some awesome fall treats!

Congrats to Cassie for only being an hour and 15 minutes off her birth date and time. And Congrats to Karin for guessing her actual birthday and getting pretty close to her weight and length. No one, including me, thought I would have a 9lb + baby!

Also because blog posts are no fun without some pictures...here is my sweet little nugget!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

She is here!

Eisley Caprice Johnson was born October 1st at 11pm. She was 9lbs 3oz and 22in long. Our hearts are full with love for her and she was well worth the wait!

More of her birth story will come soon.

And now the goods....